Tuesday, 15 July 2014

How to Protect My Account From Hackers

Most of the people use Gmail to send emails. We have precious information stored in our Gmail account. So Gmail would be the target for hackers being hacking it.As of June 2012, it is the most widely used web-based email provider with over 425 million active users worldwide. Gmail is used by a wide variety of people starting from children to business officials, for both personal and formal purposes. We use mail services for online transactions, purchases and much more. So, mails in and out of our account could carry sensitive and private information such as our address, contact no, Bank account details & etc. If the security of our account is compromised by a third party, we could lose all our important information and would face serious consequences. To avoid this, one must ensure the security of his/her accounts thoroughly for not leaving any chance for hackers.

Hacking and hacker

"Hacking is breaking into someone else’s system/network or anything, without the knowledge of the actual owners". In most cases, it is done out of curiosity for pure fun, while in other cases it is to show the victim how pathetic his protection is!

A hacker can be anybody. You don’t need to know all about coding for being a hacker. A simple knowledge on how things work and some common sense is well enough.commonly everyone beware a hacker.

In this article, let’s see the most common mistakes we make, that would give a hacker an easy access to our Mail Account. Once you follow all my points here, I can guarantee the safety of your Gmail Account from hackers. we here go..

1. Put a strong password to protect our Account!

The image speaks for itself. Of course, choosing a strong password is the very first step in protecting your account from hackers. For best results, use a combination of numbers, special characters, uppercase and lowercase letters that would be really hard to guess! Also avoid using the same password for all your online accounts because if one of your account gets hacked, you might lose all your other accounts that uses the same password. So try having an unique password for every online account you maintain!

2.A Weak Security Question will Help to Hack a Account

Most of us don’t take this step seriously. We don’t realize that a weak security question can be a possible loophole which could be used by a hacker to gain access to your account. Let me explain this in depth. Believe it or not, but in most cases the account is hacked by someone you know. It can be your friend, colleague or even your neighbor who know about you to some extent. So consider the following possibilities.

Now i think you understand the point i’m trying to make here. Yes, choosing an unique security question is as important as choosing a strong password. For this, I would recommend you to write your own question. It can be something highly personal to you which no others would know by any chance. A strong password and a tough security question can reduce the chances of your account getting hacked to a great extent!

3. 2-Step Verification By Google

             If you are still not convinced with the security of your account, you can go for the 2-step verification process offered by Google itself. Once setting it up, every time you try to log into your Gmail, a verification code will be sent to your mobile which you need to enter back in your Gmail for verification. Once verified, you can log into your account and access your emails. This way, your account is protected by a password as well as the verification number which cannot be stolen unless the attacker has access to your mobile. To set the 2-step verification for your account right now, follow the link here - Set up http://accounts.google.com/SmsAuthConfig.

4.Never choose passwords that are dictionary words. Hackers have huge databases of commonly used words (and even misspellings) that they can use to try to crack into your account within minutes

5.Never use the same password on different websites. Of course, it’s then harder to remember your multitude of passwords, so use password management software to remember all of your strong passwords rather than try to remember weak ones.

6.Never choose passwords that are dictionary words. Hackers have huge databases of commonly used words (and even misspellings) that they can use to try to crack into your account within minutes.

Always protect your computer from viruses that might try to steal your passwords as you type them in by keeping your computer up to date with security patches and antivirus software.And Never tell anyone your password and don’t trust emails claiming to come from websites that ask you to prove your identity by responding with your password.Once you follow all my points here, I can assure you that your account is now safe and secured from hackers.If you have any other tips or suggestions, feel free to share it in the comments section below!


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